Yuck the Fankees
Obviously, Rivera is by far the greatest closer in major league history, but I'm not sure that should mean that for every six pitches you throw out of the strike.
The only way this could have been any sweeter would have been for a pigeon to fly in right before the first pitch and relieve itself on Jeter's cap.I should.
Oh, God, coverage of the now nearly-at-hand beginning of the baseball season will once again be dominated by the thoroughly uninteresting news that completely unenforced nominal rules against drug use.
Good to see that the Yankees' fleecing of the public fisc is attracting more attention, although in policy terms it's almost certainly too little too late. In fairness, Thompson doesn't.
As some readers may remember, I have a friendly wager with frequent commenter Howard about whether the Yankees will make the playoffs and win the AL East. Thankfully, my affirmative.
So I'm here about to conference in Boston, so I'm just seeing excerpts of the speeches. I've seen nothing that would contradict the positive-to-ecstatic reviews I've seen; all the major.
Detroit media outlets reporting Yankees have acquired Ivan Rodriguez. No word on what the Tigers got.While obviously not close to the player he was in his prime, IRod is an.
While picking up something at the hardware store today, I heard a talk radio guy complain that the Pirates were driving too hard a bargain on players who rightfully belong.