women and work
On November 27, 1937, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) debuted its play "Pins and Needles," which would become the longest running musical of the 1930s. This cultural form.
Yes, we know that it is a huge error to talk about the working class as if it were all white people. There's another huge error: talking about the working.
As I am desperately trying to write the draft of my book on strikes, one of the things I've had to sacrifice is writing book reviews here. They take too.
On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Today’s post evaluates the impact of Title VII of the law. Title VII prohibited discrimination by covered.
In all the debates about the global supply chain, perhaps the very laziest and self-serving arguments proponents of free trade make is that the workers overseas need to lobby their.
Because we are a deeply sexist society that has that sexism baked into the nation's core values. Women don't get paid less because they choose to, unlike what Carly Fiorina.
Party on dude, it's Spring Break! Time to go to Florida, drink to oblivion, puke everywhere, and have some great stories to tell to our bros back home! But of.
Rep. Louise Slaughter on how the Trans-Pacific Partnership is another tool to exploit women: But something that has gone overlooked and under-discussed is the fact that the TPP will tie.