Unsplash Whenever I think of Sen. Joni Ernst, I think of how she tried to pretend she had been a folksy, humble farm girl by completely fucking up an anecdote.
Thanks to all the commentarions who posted about this, even if it was OT. Having gotten a taste of what they wanted, I expect the elected Republicans who have been.
I've been largely out of touch the past couple of weeks (some would say it's been聽considerably longer) so apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere. When the incoming President of.
Dear People Who Hold My Future in Your Hands, When you distanced yourself from this lowly history professor last fall for daring to use a violent metaphor against moral monster.
North Carolina Republicans have filed a bill establishing a state religion of North Carolina that combines ignoring the 1st Amendment with nullification: SECTION 1. The North Carolina General Assembly asserts.
Erick Erickson for this lovely tweet: That lefties are accusing the new pope of handing over lefties to the right wing junta for execution makes me adore the new pope..
Quite a contest for today's craziest person. Here's three nominees: 1. Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt: Pratt predicted that President Obama may begin confiscating guns in order to.
As always, Roy Edroso ventures deep into crazyland to get the latest writings from rightbloggers. And they were very happy about Obama's proposed minimum wage hike, as you can imagine:.