wingnut butchery of history
Just in time for Confederate Inauguration Day, there was this bit of soul-coughing indignity from some fellow at Redstate last night.Our hero -- who answers to the rustic handle of.
Hinderaker writes:Mitt Romney unleashed the N-word on John McCain today, accusing him of using campaign tactics "reminiscent of the Nixon era." "I don't think I want to see our party.
The Decider doesn't understand why the US and its allies in World War II couldn't have bombed Auschwitz and, he assumes, saved thousands of lives. Here, Bush is invoking a.
The universe acknowledges today's official release of the Pantload's pantload. For those who aren't completely sick of thinking about the Doughy one, Dave Neiwert's review is well worth the read.The.
Mitt: We should acknowledge the Creator as did the Founders in ceremony and word. He should remain on our currency, in our pledge, in the teaching of our history, and.
From commenter Imag:If Hitler had been able to compare stuff to Hitler, he totally would have done so.Right; to the extent that invocation of Hitler has become insipid shorthand for.