william howard taft
William Howard Taft and Porfirio Diax, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 1909
This is the grave of James Sherman. Born in Utica in 1855, Sherman graduated from Hamilton College in 1878, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1880. The.
You all are familiar with the Teddy Bear, designing after Theodore Roosevelt's love of shooting animals. It was a big hit during his administration. You can imagine how toy owners.
Robert La Follette I tend to choose books for review here rather randomly, often picking something off the new book shelf at my university's library. So when I saw Michael.

As baseball fans know, every stadium has some version of the "race" between innings where the fans can root for a meaningless computerized competition between different colored objects. In Seattle for instance, it's speedboats. Usually these remain computerized. The Washington Nationals have taken a different...