I had high hopes for the French case to hold the U.S. accountable for dropping Agent Orange in Vietnam. This was for two reasons. First is that the U.S. is.
On November 11, 1918, French authorities in Indochina created the first labor code for its rubber plantations there, tying workers to the land in a way that would never have.
The United States will never do enough to compensate Vietnam for the horrible crimes it committed against that country. Those crimes didn't suddenly end in 1973 or 1975. Rather, the.
On January 11, 1968, around 1,000 workers in Saigon walked off the job, protesting the unfair treatment they faced from South Vietnamese government and demonstrating the lack of commitment to.
Vo Quy, the pioneering Vietnamese environmentalist and communist who not only convinced Ho Chi Minh to create Vietnam's first national park, but also played a critical role in bringing his.
Sure the Department of Labor has placed the Vietnamese textile industry on its list of those industries using child and forced labor. But why let that stop us from implementing.
Yet another way to celebrate American awesomeness today before you blow off your fingers and, even worse, put ketchup on your hot dogs, is to remember how we rely on.
Above: More beneficiaries of free trade As I posted about in January, Nike is no longer allowing the Workers Rights Consortium to monitor its Vietnam factory, ending its tradition of.