In general, I feel the same way as Yglesias and Attackerman about the Venezuelan Embassy's aggressive spamming tactics. In this case, however, the Venezuelan ambassador's letter to the editor of.
Why try to pretend that this should be taken seriously? Second, it's not just about drugs. The Venezuelan alliance is almost a classic geopolitical attempt to deny the US access.
The idea that Raul Castro may have moved against Venezuelan proxies in Cuba is fascinating, but there doesn't seem to be much to it. That is, I have no doubt.
Nothing much to see here; Chavez postures, the Russians posture, and perhaps a few lucky bomber pilots and ground crewmen get extended vacations to Venezuela. Here's the most interesting bit:Cuban.
RFS Pyotr Velikiy and his (my understanding is that Russians use the masculine in reference to naval vessels, but if anyone has clarification, please don't hesitate) entourage set sail for.
Given that the Russian Navy is hopelessly outmatched by NATO in the Black Sea, what point is there to maneuvers off Venezuela?...a source indicates to me that the task force.