Evidently, Bijan's sophisticated empirical analysis in a dying thread merits front-page coverage. Although I certainly hope that in keeping with the tenets of Paul-curiosity reproductive freedom and other such trivialities.
Hopefully everybody in the LGM community had/is having a good holiday. Since I have only thanked him in comments, I owe all-star commenter Howard front-page thanks for sending me a.
Apologies for my recent light blogging, as I was home for the holidays. To cap it off, today the fine folks at Delta in their eternal wisdom saw fit to.
My recent trip to Ireland followed up roughly 20 hours spent on airplanes and airpots with the worst allergic reaction I've had since junior high school. So it made me.
Sorry for the nearly unprecedented (and perhaps blessed) period of silence on my end -- my move to New York's lovely capital region currently involves (in addition to too many.
I'm the one with the tight sweater...More on what was discussed at TAPPED, and from Samhita, Emily Douglas, Chris Bowers, and Lindsay. Amanda Terkel has a transcript.
Apologies for the light blogging; as part of a tour of America's most vibrant urban areas, I saw the Flames play in the new arena at Newark and then in.
I did a Supreme Court roundup with Bill Scher of Liberal Oasis, which is available in convenient MP3, XML, and ITunes formats.