unlabelable stupidity
This is a fantastic piece of performance art:What I love best about No Quarter is the smart, lively debate about issues of critical concern, the colorful and flamboyant language that.
I haven't read enough Edward Luttwak to say for certain that he's an unprincipled hack, but I know enough to be certain that his knowledge of Islamic law and religion.
This paragraph is bad enough to be worth spending some time on:I did not believe the American-led coalition could prudently leave Iraq the day Baghdad fell. Coalition troops were essential.
Shorter TIDOS Yankee:It's a shame that some ignorant young Americans choose to hoist a flag that evokes terrorism and reminds an ethnic minority of its collective historical pain.Yup. Sharp as.
Breast-feeding infants:I'm pretty sure everything that can be said has been said in re: the suckiness of Day By Day, but good god. Has Chris Muir ever been around real.
So these people are excited for some reason about this map, which claims to tracks "terrorism and suspicious activity" across the planet. For those who've forgotten that the world is.