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unlabelable stupidity

How to Be a Lazy Journalist

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On August 1, 2008
Steve M. has a nice catch on the cavernously stupid notion that Barack Obama might not have enough body fat -- acquired from gobbling seals and rummaging the ice pack for carrion -- to survive those long, fasting Presidential winters. Aside from the fact that...

True = Funny

On July 27, 2008

This is a fantastic piece of performance art:What I love best about No Quarter is the smart, lively debate about issues of critical concern, the colorful and flamboyant language that.

Open Mic Night

On May 12, 2008

I haven't read enough Edward Luttwak to say for certain that he's an unprincipled hack, but I know enough to be certain that his knowledge of Islamic law and religion.


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On March 19, 2008
Since John McCain is clearly unable to comprehend basic facts about a war that he'd just as soon have last a century or longer, Spencer Ackerman kindly helps by reminding that what lots of folks were predicting five years ago has turned out to be,...

Things I Am Not Making Up

On February 14, 2008

Shorter TIDOS Yankee:It's a shame that some ignorant young Americans choose to hoist a flag that evokes terrorism and reminds an ethnic minority of its collective historical pain.Yup. Sharp as.

Voting the Althouse Way

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On December 14, 2007
Well at least we know she was also vapid 30 years ago:I was all set to vote for Jimmy Carter in 1976. I'd voted for Carter in the New York primary when he was still a face in a crowd of candidates. But the day...

Paging Molly Ivors

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On November 6, 2007
If you didn't read Molly Ivors' latest deconstruction of Maureen Dowd -- which appears to be part of a much-needed if unintended series -- you owe yourself the pleasure. (It was linked here the other day, with additional commentary from Scott.)Having done that, you'll find...
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