unlabelable stupidity
I am shocked, shocked to learn that Howard Zinn, of all people, had leftist attitudes and associated with known leftists. I would also be stunned to learn that he may.
So, you're down 6-3 in the bottom of the 6th inning. Your starting pitcher has given up all six of those runs, and his spot comes up with two outs.
There are several reasons why Massachusetts elected the Republican on Tuesday, a topic I hope to cover if I have the time. However, one reason certainly isn't this bullshit explanation.
So I spent an entire quarter in the fall of 1999 tryin' to learn something to future UFC behemoth Brock Lesnar, and this is how he repays the effort:Ultimate Fighting.
Wow. I mean, Schilling has reprehensible political taste, but the guy helped thwart two terrorist plots against the homeland Yankee World Series runs during the last decade. The next time.
Al Kamen, via Jason Sigger:This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Clinton administration's cavalier handover of the Panama Canal -- leaving an alleged front for the Chinese Red Army.
My governor, promising thorough reform:Through reform, absolutely. Look at the oversight that has been lack [lax?], I believe, here at the 1930s type of regulatory regime overseeing some of these.
Conclusive evidence that your average PUMA is to the Democratic Party what the bonnacon is to the Equidae family."We've been told by Pelosi that we're ungracious," said Robin Carlson, a.