The idea that if we punish the poor, they will return to the worst jobs imaginable turns out to be....pretty much not true. States that withdrew early from federal unemployment.
I wanted to go back to what we were talking about two days ago, on the issue of rethinking work in the context of the pandemic. Unlike other employment shortages,.
We have our annual (at least) longing to fix our national problems through reviving the Civilian Conservation Corps. In 1933, with the country deep in the Great Depression, the United.
The greatest nation in the world! In the southeast corner of Ireland, Brian Byrne’s event-planning business was confronting a calamity. It was the middle of March, and the coronavirus pandemic.
Yes, unemployment rates are low. There are jobs for most people who want them. But this has not really budged the national worry over income inequality and the widespread belief.
On January 17, 1915, the radical Lucy Parsons led an unemployed march of 10,000 workers in Chicago. Suppressed by the police, the size of the march impressed the city's more.
Above: The United States, circa 2040 Who is ready for our jobless future? Thirty-eight percent of jobs in the U.S. are at high risk of being replaced by robots and.
Nothing excites the blood like the fed and monetary policy. So here's a great piece by Dean Baker getting after the fed for raising interest rates and causing unemployment. However,.