UK politics
As several of our august LGM colleagues are attending some high-falutin International Relations junket in New Orleans (as well as one of my colleagues from my department here at Plymouth),.
The British National Party has boldly entered the 20th Century by voting to allow non whites to become, gasp, members of the BNP. Leader (and MEP) Nick Griffin is quoted.
Preface: I'm lucky to be writing this, as my internet connectivity at our Oregon Estate (read: two bedroom apartment in a posh suburb) is dodgy. The better half upgraded a.
I'll have more to say about this later, but I'm out the door for a Christmas dinner with my partner's family. Merry Christmas, Lord P.Of course, the British university system.
From Oregon, I've been reading with befuddlement the noises that Gordon Brown might call an early election. Maybe it's jet lag, but it seems to me that the time to.
The Observer published the new Ipsos-MORI poll on Sunday on voting intentions for the forthcoming British election, and the media are all aflutter about its implications. Specifically, the Tory lead.
I was going to write something about this, but that's too easy: the "drug czar" of the UK gets the sack for very publicly disagreeing with the Government's drug policy,.
but at least it will SAVE SAVE SAVE £65 million. Because, when the public debt is at some obscene number, and when the annual deficit is approaching 12% of GDP,.