UK politics
A member of the Cult of Corbyn in good standing (involved in the local Momentum exec) this past weekend surprised me by coming out in favour of Tulsi Gabbard, which.
While this is far removed from my bailiwick within the realm of political science, foreign policy is something that many of my acquaintances in the Labour Party are self-professed experts,.
In every sense of the word.Skimming the comments to my post on Monday, I came across this (apologies to the OP; I didn't copy the name), which touches on a.
It's a source of extraordinary frustration that the British Labour Party doesn't take a firm stance against the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. One argument for the much ballyhooed.
If you were facing a loathsome Tory such as Theresa May and you had the great leftist filmmaker Ken Loach at your disposal, wouldn't you use him? This is amazing..
This election has caught everybody off guard, including the pollsters. The polling houses hadn't yet decided on a common approach in response to the wreckage of the 2015 General Election..
You're Theresa May, vaguely accidental Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You've inherited a flimsy majority in the House of Commons, currently at just 17 seats..
[Thanks so much to Erik for his kind intro and the rest of you for your welcome messages. For the record: anti-ketchup, all the way. Don't get me started on.