tucker carlson
My god. If you're sick of the new McCarthyism and warmongering by Hillary and her cohorts, then join our campaign. We need your support. Democrat, Republican, Independent — it doesn't.
After Fidel Castro died and my response of "Castro did this that was good and he did this other thing that was bad" was picked up by conservative media as.
Tucker Carlson may be the dumbest person in the United States. Or maybe he is just dishonest. Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Sunday declared that all slavery in the world had been eradicated thanks to the Christian faith. At the National Prayer Breakfast last...
Nice Alex Pareene profile of Tucker Carlson: The Daily Caller, the site he launched with a promise to offer a new model for conservative journalism, is primarily a catalog of.
Lemieux claims that Tucker Carlson's investigation into MMFA found no evidence worthy of being called such, but he is wrong. For example: During the 2008 presidential campaign, for example, author Jerome.