Treason in Defense of Slavery
Mr. Trevino took issue with my claim that Texas has seceded from two different countries in order to protect the right of white people to own black people. Dr. Loomis.
Erik makes an important point; Texas has thus far seceded from two different countries in order to defend the right of white people to own black people. In that context,.
It's always refreshing when a Republican candidate embraces neo-confederatism. Reaffirms my faith in the Party of Lincoln. Huck:"You don’t like people from outside the state coming in and telling you.
Via Matt comes this map, which is genuinely awesome. I initially thought that it was an overlay of density data on an old map, but apparently it was created by.
I almost forgot to wish everyone a Happy Treason-in-Defense-of-Slavery Day. December 20 marks the anniversary of South Carolina's 1860 decision to leave the Union, in whose newly elected Republican leaders.