third party wankery
Scott has said much of what needs to be said about Jennifer Roesch's Jacobin article calling for the "radical left" to break with the Democratic Party. The problems with this.
I would to add to Scott and Erik's commentary by reporting that Randy Barnett understands the basic voting incentives inherent to a structural two party system. That is all.
I'll highlight the key word in the key grafs in Politico's latest drooling about a mythical proactive third party candidacy: Despite their seemingly left-wing orientation, the Occupy Wall Street protestors.
As others have already pointed out, Matt Miller's latest column will be the worst argument in favor of a third party until whichever of he or Tom Freidman submits the.
People who see third parties as a solution in the American system naturally tend to speak entirely in evasive gibberish, but I think Matt Miller's latest plea is a particularly.