Shorter President Max Baucus: public options are for my mistresses, not for people without decent health insurance. Seems like a good time to return to the archives for this classic. And to wish again that, if we couldn't have a parliamentary system, we could have...
the world’s worst deliberative body
I will admit that in the immediate aftermath of the election, it wasn't 100% clear that Reid blundered by letting Holy Joe keep his committee chairmanship; it was certainly the.
This wouldn't even be debatable. The idea that Senators who vote to filibuster major initiatives of the party -- filibusters that are highly deleterious not only on the policy merits.
To follow-up on what Matt says here, it's especially dismaying to see Murray and Cantwell vote for the decrease in the estate tax. It's not as if they have to be frightened that voting against a tax giveaway to upper-upper-class heirs is going to cost...
Although given my particular hobbyhorses I might have preferred a little more emphasis on the structural issues with the Senate, in his defense Chait's article really does a superb job.