the world’s worst deliberative body
of the senior Senator from Connecticut declining the opportunity to fail in his re-election bid is the retirement of Kent Conrad. Lieberman's retirement generated the news, Conrad's is more salient.
What Drum says here is correct: Democratic spinelessness on this is worth mocking. But let's get real: the problem isn't with Senate Democrats, 97% of whom voted to repeal DADT.
I the latest grotesque performance from the World's Worst Deliberative Body provides an excellent illustration of why Matt was wrong to think that Democrats should be unhappy that Mike Castle.
BTD asserts: The second problem with this question is Bowers not imagining what a GOP President and GOP Congress would have achieved with the elimination of the filibuster. You thought.
Shorter Bobo: Having the Senate run like every pretty much every other democratic legislature in the world would be like genocide. Now, when pro-apartheid southern Senators ran everything and.
Bart Stupak is happy to blow up health care reform, denying countless people medical care and hence unnecessary illness and death, if access to abortion can't be made more inequitable..
My official, rational, considered position is that Evan Bayh's retirement is a bad thing, given the near certainty that he will be replaced by a Republican with a much worse.