the world’s worst deliberative body
Couple of thoughts about Rand Paul's marathon filibuster. First, it should go without saying that Rand Paul is not on the side of progressives for any reason. Even on drones.
This is pathetic: Barring a burst of productivity in the lame-duck session in November and December, the 112th Congress is set to enter the Congressional record books as the least.
Matt and Jamelle say most of what needs to be said about Olympia Snowe's self-serving farewell to all that nasty partisanship. Regrettably, the essentially indefensible supermajority rules she champions in.
Shorter Verbatim Susan Collins: "I feel I have to vote for the Blunt amendment with the hope that its scope will be further narrowed and refined as the legislative process.
I have a piece up at the Prospect arguing that what Greg Sargent sees a nightmare scenario is in fact a dream scenario if we expand our time horizons a.
Looks like the Tea Patry has chased her off. Good; would seem like an almost certain Dem pickup, and it's not like having someone who added a moderate patina to.
It's too bad; a couple more speeches and Obama could have turned him into Bernie Sanders. As Benen says, it says a great deal about Nelson that he waited until.
A lot of people seem to be warning, in light of Reid's not-really nuclear option last night, that the Republicans will take the opportunity to blow up the filibuster entirely..