the obesity myth
I have some thoughts at the Daily Beast about what Casey Heynes' response to being informed that he's fat might tell us about Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign. Casey's shift.
"Some" (researchers who have tested the proposition) have found that injecting yourself with a hormone derived from the urine of pregnant women while eating a starvation diet of 500 calories.
This column is a few months old, but it's a particularly good example of something illustrated by any number of Thomas Friedman columns, or indeed any amount of free-wheeling high-profile.
Having spent the better part of a decade now listening to people patiently explain why it's a good thing to pathologize the bodies of 71% of the American population in.
Union-busting, health care reform-opposing, global-warming denying John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, has come up with a super idea for cutting his health insurance costs: giving his employees extra discounts.
I'm doing a talk on this topic at UCLA tomorrow. The price is right for any LA LGMers looking to stretch their entertainment dollar.I'm staying at a guest house on.
I'm still not sure why, exactly, but I've been assured repeatedly that it just is.The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday that mental health professionals [obesity researchers] should not tell gay.
Reading through the comments here and here and here I'm reminded of the many suggestive parallels between arguments about body diversity and those regarding sexual orientation.To simplify a great deal,.