the cult of Palin
and, no, this is not about the regrettable Polanski affair. I'm befuddled and bemused by that one. This, on the other hand, makes obvious sense: LGM's favorite ex-Governor of Alaska.
In the comments to a long, inaccurate attack on those who consider Palin evidence that the conservative movement is trending stupid, Darleen Click claims that those who point out the.
(...having missed Scott's post on this...)Matthew Continetti's piece in today's WSJ is completely insane, but I'd hate to discourage him from believing that Sarah Palin can somehow turn herself into.
Erick Erickson's inner child hasn't just been wounded; it's been beaten and left for dead:I’ve had this running thought all day, perhaps because I was watching it on TV in.
I, for one, am extremely impressed with Sarah Palin's political skillz. Anyone who can be a part of a Republican narrowly winning a state as liberal as Georgia is clearly.