the arbitrary executive
In addition to the issue of Sunday news shows continuing to treat Saint McMaverick as if he were still relevant to anything, this shouldn't go without emphasis:Both Sens. John McCain.
Shorter John Yoo: Executive branch actions that could have been easily performed under FISA prove that is was fine for the executive branch to systematically violate FISA at their pleasure..
It's what Dick Cheney is made of. Well, that and undiluted 175 proof evil. Deep thought: I'm also really anxious to know what Dan Quayle thinks of the value of.
I'll have more about the Toobin article on John Roberts later. But the bottom-line quote -- "The kind of humility that Roberts favors reflects a view that the Court should.
The Editors sum up the state of play:It’s funny that when torture was all the fault of poor, ugly hillbillies of the sort David Brooks writes about in his Adventure.
Shorter Condi Rice: We didn't want to do anything illegal responding to 9/11. Happily, if the President does it, it's not illegal! I also think that Iran is a fair.
Michael Gerson asserts that his belief torture is OK as long as Americans do it isn't "moral relativism." This man seems deeply confused, although I think it's more along the.
Shorter Stuart Taylor: It is well-established that criminal laws can only be applied if it can be proven that lawbreaking had no positive consequence whatsoever.* By far the most reliable.