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the alaskan clown show

The horse isn’t dead yet, which is why I continue to flog it

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On September 8, 2008
Somehow, I'd forgotten about this one:Stevens, like a generation of Alaskan politicians before him, has regularly used Alaska's marginal strategic importance as a cover for political nest-feathering--which explains part of why a quarter of the $7.6 billion Alaska received from the federal government in 2002...

Calling Bullshit

On September 4, 2008

I don't know how many times this bears repeating, but Sarah Palin is an abject liar. Not only did she repeat the howling falsehood that she opposed The Bridge to.

Someday this will stop…

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On September 3, 2008
Paul's excellent piece on the President of Alaska hits on a few things that are worth keeping in mind, regardless of Palin's affiliation or non-affiliation with the AIP. Culturally- and ideologically-speaking, there is a certain type of Anglo-Alaskan who regards the rest of the United...

Still More from Palinland

On September 2, 2008

My moment of undeserved relevance continues at the Minnesota Independent, where my thoughts on Palin offer a brief respite from their coverage of the nascent police state in St. Paul.I.

Too Funny

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On September 1, 2008
Just in case there hasn't been too much coverage of Sarah Palin here, I thought I'd let everyone know that the word on Alaskan Street is that representatives from the McCain camp have disembarked at a Wasilla hotel, where they've rented a handful rooms and...

More from Palinland

On August 31, 2008

Ari and Eric have have dug up some fun details about Sarah Palin's first few months as mayor of Wasilla. Elected to bestow "change" upon the town, Palin instead went.

Laugh of the Day

On July 31, 2008

The audacity of hope: Stevens' lawyer had requested that the trial be held as soon as possible because Stevens is up for re-election in November. "I want to make a.

Stevens Indicted

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On July 29, 2008
Drink the news like sweet, sweet wine.Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican in the U.S. Senate and one of the chamber's most powerful members, was indicted Tuesday in Washington, a result of a year-long investigation into corruption in Alaska politics.The indictment comes nearly one year...

Corrupt Bastards Update

On July 14, 2008

Nearly ever member of Alaska's Corrupt Bastards Caucus has now been indicted, with only Ted Stevens and his son Ben awaiting their turn to be stripped and deloused. The latest.

Stevens Update

On May 17, 2008

This is encouraging:The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that Republican Senator Ted Stevens is trailing by two percentage points in his bid for re-election. Stevens attracts 45% of the.

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