Since Texas obviously has the best system of education and most fair social programs in the United States, they have nothing better to spend public funds on. So might as.
When I lived in Texas, I kept wondering if I should go to the Texas Prison Museum in Huntsville. It was both horrifying and fascinating at the same time. Why.
I was somewhat disappointed this season that the campaign to stop saying the nickname of the Washington Racists totally disappeared and NFL broadcasters reverted to using ethnic slurs on national.
An excellent survey of how the Republican justices gutting the Voting Rights Act and the aggressive southern Republican attempt to intimidate voters of color and to game the system so.
Kids in Dallas are staging walkouts over the terrible conditions of their schools. About 250 students at South Oak Cliff High School walked out Monday to protest leaky roofs, unbearably.
In Texas, this is just a worker. Texas gonna Texas: Top Texas education officials rejected Wednesday letting university experts fact-check textbooks approved for use in public-school classrooms statewide, instead reaffirming.
One of the most underreported stories about energy right now is the attempt to drive pipelines through the Big Bend area, one of the most beautiful parts of Texas and.
Amazing and beautiful: University of Texas students announced a plan to openly carry dildos in response to a new “campus carry” law that takes effect next year. The Facebook page.