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Texas Education

In General
On May 12, 2016
I didn't really mean this to be "pick on Texas" day, but don't blame me, blame Texas. Remember those nice Texas history standards from a few years back that decided that slavery was a "side issue to the Civil War" and mandated that McCarthyism be...
Lubbock is a truly dreadful place in all conceivable ways except for one. That one is not its tolerant politics. Lubbock officials are re-evaluating security and working with local and federal investigations after what Mayor Glen Robertson described as an “Arabic flag” spent much of...

The Texas Rangers

On January 10, 2016

I was somewhat disappointed this season that the campaign to stop saying the nickname of the Washington Racists totally disappeared and NFL broadcasters reverted to using ethnic slurs on national.


One Person, One Vote

In General
On December 14, 2015
I am more than a little skeptical about the Supreme Court rejecting the openly racist arguments in Evenwel v. Abbott reinterpreting the definition of "one person, one vote" to exclude non-citizens, children, prisoners, and all people not eligible to vote, as if they aren't affected...


In General
On November 22, 2015
For me, heroism is being an abortion provider and helping women with their health care in an age where doctors can be murdered by extremists for providing this care. Such as Willie Parker: In public health, you go where the crisis is. If there is...


On October 12, 2015

Amazing and beautiful: University of Texas students announced a plan to openly carry dildos in response to a new “campus carry” law that takes effect next year. The Facebook page.

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