Republicans being Republican. First in the shitshow known as North Carolina: Three Republicans in North Carolina’s House of Representatives have introduced a bill to reverse the Supreme Court’s marriage equality.
I would say this is great news but then Neil Gorsuch is the new Supreme Court justice and I think we all know where this is going.
This piece on automation in the Permian Basin oil fields is telling for both why companies want to automate all their jobs and why this is disastrous for working-class Americans..
Now that the entire nation is on the road to becoming Texas, let's see what life is like in the Lone Star Republic. Texans Carlos Santiago and Mary New, who.
Not sure my liver can stand up for the next 4 years. Luckily, I'll probably be in some political prison by 2018. One of the latest examples came at a.
Above: A man too dangerous for Texas prisoners The U.S. prison system is primarily designed to lock up people of color, control their labor, and humiliate them. There is very.
Good god Texas. The rate of Texas women who died from complications related to pregnancy doubled from 2010 to 2014, a new study has found, for an estimated maternal mortality.
Example A) Texas leaving billions on the table because it won't expand medical care, dooming its poor to illness and death. Example B) The impending disaster in Illinois, most notably.