Is this a Cleetus safari? It might be. But we do have to figure out what on earth is going on in south Texas, with its amazing and horrifying transformation.
It's not at all surprising that Texas Republicans are surprised anyone would actually take up their Stasi offer to sue anyone getting an abortion, since they assumed they could just.
The entire anti-abortion Stasi model adopted by Texas is based on fear. The idea is that by turning everyday people into informants, everyone will be afraid to get an abortion.
With Texas politicians forcing the state history museum to cancel events (CANCEL CULTURE!) that might reek of CRITICAL RACE THEORY such as saying that maybe the Texans at the Alamo.
We truly are two nations. From Florida and Texas: The Republican governors of Florida and Texas are headed toward showdowns with some of the world's largest cruise lines, including Norwegian.
This Texas Monthly profile of recent goings-on around the Alamo is pretty bonkers, combining a fanatical Alamo memorability collector Phil Collins (yep, that one), scheming awful Texas politicians, battles over.
Following what has been going on with the University of Texas football team and its theme song "The Eyes of Texas" has been a remarkable window into the worst of.
Naomi Klein's essay on why Texans have turned the Green New Deal into a monstrous specter of evil that will somehow destroy the libertarian paradise of their minds is well.