It's not at all surprising that Texas Republicans are surprised anyone would actually take up their Stasi offer to sue anyone getting an abortion, since they assumed they could just.
Texas' Stasi-like Republican Party has also sought to fire any educator teaching about racism under the scare words of CRITICAL RACE THEORY. They have done so. But that also leads.
With Texas politicians forcing the state history museum to cancel events (CANCEL CULTURE!) that might reek of CRITICAL RACE THEORY such as saying that maybe the Texans at the Alamo.
Those of you who are very old on the internets remember that right-wing hack Josh Trevino, former Bush speechwriter and then who ran the Tacitus blog. He was discredited after.
This Texas Monthly profile of recent goings-on around the Alamo is pretty bonkers, combining a fanatical Alamo memorability collector Phil Collins (yep, that one), scheming awful Texas politicians, battles over.
One of the most remarkable battles in the culture war is presently happening in Austin, with basically a full-fledged war happening between liberal current students and Black football players at.
Naomi Klein's essay on why Texans have turned the Green New Deal into a monstrous specter of evil that will somehow destroy the libertarian paradise of their minds is well.
Prick Erry is mainlining the Tito's and Ambien again: Former Texas governor Rick Perry suggests that going days without power is a sacrifice Texans should be willing to make if.