One thing about Texas is how strongly its residents buy into the whole mythologizing bullshit about how great it is. This is true even of a lot of lefty Texans,.
Remember the West, Texas factory explosion. It's been 2 weeks and the story has almost completely disappeared from the media while CNN continued its 24-hour coverage of the latest details.
Rick Perry, relatively indifferent to the West, Texas fertilizer explosion, outraged at Jack Ohman editorial cartoon that would blame Texas' lax regulatory climate for it.
We don't hear too many stories anymore like last week's fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, where the death toll has now risen to 15. This is because we have.
Principled conservative Ted Cruz calls federal relief for Hurricane Sandy pork, wants federal relief after fertilizer plant explosion in Texas.
One of the fundamental questions about the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion is why a fertilizer plant was located right in a town, with a nursing home, middle school, and.
And so begins the fourth generation: George P. Bush, the eldest son of former Florida governor Jeb Bush and nephew of former president George W. Bush, is running for Texas.
Happy independence, Texas. It's almost criminal that this song wasn't played over the credits of the final episode of Friday Night Lights... ...[Erik]. In light of yesterday's exposure of paid.