teachers unions
Above: Terrible human being Michelle Rhee. California teachers' unions are under a new assault by teachers suing over unions using dues for political campaigns. Members can withdraw but they don't.
One story I was unable to talk about after my computer theft earlier this month was the Philadelphia School Reform Commission cancelling the contract with the city's teachers unilaterally. It.
Chicago Teachers Union president Karen Lewis was all geared up to run for mayor against the odious Rahm Emanuel. She had a huge lead in the polls and it could have been an amazing victory. Unfortunately, pretty much the worst thing possible has happened: Chicago...
Talked about this last week, but Arkansas electing Tom Cotton is going to be horrible. So I don't blame liberals and unions going all in for Mark Pryor, bleh as.
Ignore the anti-union bias in this linked story. New York teachers wearing pro-police shirts after the union told them not to is a useful window into the problems with those.