Rare earths are central to the development of cleaner technologies that don't destroy the livable climate. But there are still massive externalities to these mining operations. Who should pay the.
What would our nation be like if we were as a nation as wealthy as we are now but we didn't have one of our two political parties dedicated to.
The following poem is by S.M. Hill, a Swedish immigrant to Oregon, circa 1916. I take it from here. America They boast a great deal about equality, they loudly proclaim you are free. Without answering I'd rather swallow my annoyance and not pay attention to...
Turning schools into profit-making enterprises has been a disaster, not only in the U.S., but also in Sweden. Applying Taylorism to schools makes perfect sense to the high modernist education.
In our continuing chronicle of jellyfish taking over the planet and replacing humans as the dominant species, we have jellyfish attacking Sweden and shutting down a nuclear reactor. The Soviets.
It's not quite accurate to say that bureaucrats will do anything to protect budgets, as the relationship between turf, autonomy, resources, and organizational behavior is complex. Nevertheless, as a general first guess it's usually not wrong to believe that bureaucrats will significantly stretch reality in...