supply chains
I was happy to be quoted in this excellent and important American Prospect piece on sexual harassment in trucking. Not long after Claudia Lopez began her career in trucking, a.
This Amazon story says everything about power in America and the world: Inc. has agreed to tighten quality control standards on its marketplace following an investigation that determined dozens.
Supply chains exist to maximize profit for western corporations. The easiest ways to increase profit is to lower labor costs and create environmental hazards. Supply chains.
I want to take you back, perhaps in the Wayback Machine, to the lost age of 2013. If we can open the creaky vaults of our memories, we might recall.
Half of the workforce of the artisanal mining sector is comprised of children. Without viable economic alternatives, most children must join their parents in rudimentary mining.
When I read stories about the exploitation of children in global agribusiness, I get furious because they never get to root causes. This story about the widespread use of child.
The inability to think the below the surface sometimes really amazes me, but no more than in this article arguing that automation will solve the problem of modern slavery. Modern-day.
At least one person investigating labor conditions at the Chinese sweatshops for the Ivanka Trump brand has been detained by the state. A labor activist who had been working undercover.