I have thoughts on subs at WPR: But the perceived effectiveness of submarines as an area-denial weapon in some ways led to their emergence as power-projection platforms. The threat of.
Less than ideal time for this to happen: The Royal Navy hastened to assemble an official inquiry Friday evening to explore why Britain’s newest nuclear submarine, H.M.S. Astute, ran aground.
This is an interesting notion that is unlikely to happen in anything but a very limited sense: France has offered to create a joint UK-French nuclear deterrent by sharing submarine.
Tom Philpott at Defense Tech:Women should be allowed to serve aboard America’s fleet of nuclear submarines, the nation's top military officer, Adm. Michael Mullen, quietly has told the Senate Armed.
A pair of Russia's old, loud nuclear attack boats patrolling off the Eastern seaboard is news? The Tu-95 flights off Alaska and the UK last year were so much more.
Congratulations of a sort are due India, which just launched its first nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The boat was built with Russian assistance, which makes sense because it kind of.
Check out this fabulously informative article on Chinese SSBNs. The PLAN is building between four and six Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile subs, which when complete will constitute a deterrent on.
Condoleeza Rice explaining why the use of harsh interrogation techniques was justified against Al Qaeda suspects, but not World War II German POWs: With all due respect, Nazi Germany never.