Straight-Talkin’ Maverick John McCain
A Republican minority in the Senate has thwarted attempts to repair the damage done by a bare majority of the Supreme Court in Ledbetter, which determined that companies should be.
Shorter John McCain:Equal pay is a fantastic idea, so long as it's secured through the intervention of winged ponies or the sowing of magic beans.Future equal rights mavericism will include.
Excellent point about the tendency to assume that because lots of people in their respective parties (or ex-parties as the case may be) hate McCain and Lieberman their positions must.
Yglesias:But foreign policy questions are McCain's passion, he's chosen to put them at the center of his campaign, and there's really nothing at all Burkean about McCain's take on them..
Why I heart Elizabeth Edwards.
Yglesias is right that McCain's reliance on the advice of Phil Gramm shows that the straight-talking maverick just doesn't care about economic policy. The fact that Gramm equipped the Glass-Steagall.
Since ignoring the fact that John McCain hasn't released his tax returns while complaining that Hillary Clinton hasn't isn't quite enough, ABC News "chief investigative reporter" Brian Ross decided to.
Since John McCain is clearly unable to comprehend basic facts about a war that he'd just as soon have last a century or longer, Spencer Ackerman kindly helps by reminding.