Straight-Talkin’ Maverick John McCain
And P.T Barnum.For several weeks the McCain campaign has been running this ad pretty much non-stop in Colorado.Today we got this:COLORADO SPRINGS — The banners, buttons and signs say McCain-Palin,.
It always is.
Press release this morning from the McCain campaign:For Immediate ReleaseContact: Press OfficeMonday, July 28, 2008703-650-5550ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, Chief Warrant Officer (4th class) Michael J. Durant (Ret.) issued the following.
While engaging in quasi-fascist workout regimen on foreign soil.Via the Straight Talk Express.
It's perfectly clear that claims that Wes Clark attacked John McCain's war record or "Swift-Boated" him are entirely bogus. Unlike the attacks on Kerry, Clark did not question the veracity.
See, e.g.(via Pandagon)
Another McHistory lesson:“I believe that it’s not an accident that our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the United States. He didn’t sit down in.
McCain, again trying to shore up his conservative credentials, is heaping criticism on Barack Obama for voting against the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts (Hillary Clinton also voted against.