The NYT has a short piece on this new wave of reformist legislation that, save for one state, has been universally passed by Republican legislatures and signed into law by Republican governors. The NYT piece summarized a new study released yesterday by the Brennan Center...
social science
The point that Chait makes here about how a lot of the nonsense about how tax cuts invariably lead to pony and unicorn explosions is borne out of the necessity.
I find this paper interesting for a different reason than Matt does; namely, that it's a classic example of "drawing inferences far beyond what your data can actually support." Even.
This is quite interesting, questioning the argument that factionalism among Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution reflected different class or ideological backgrounds: The work teams that were sent into Beijing's elite universities in June 1966 (Peking University, to begin with) were forced to make choices...
Lots of people are still wasting their breath arguing about how effective torture may be. Now, Joshua Tucker of the Monkey Cage is ruminating about the ethical responsibility of social.