Andrew Sullivan defends Jason Richwine, not just because he was fired from the Heritage Foundation for writing a white supremacist dissertation, but on the merits on Richwine's arguments. Because white people are poodles and black people are beagles: Of course not. We remain the same...
social darwinism
So SEK put me in an unusual position in his post on so-called "Social Darwinism." My professional persona is very interested in his arguments. SEK present a compelling argument, at.
I guess Bryan Caplan isn't the only member of the plutocracy channeling Gilded Age Social Darwinism. See Mitt Romney speaking about the differences between Israelis and Palestinians today. Noting the.
Bryan Caplan is a terrible person. Now you might say that I am too mean to the Koch-funded George Mason economist. After all, he might not beat his dog. But that doesn't really matter here. Because Bryan Caplan is a terrible person. Why is Bryan...