You probably thought this was about some other sexist academic, but it's actually about Vincent Hendricks, a philosopher who posted this on his website. Unlike that other sexist academic, Hendricks.
Somehow I missed the fact that a group of C-List conservative bloggers turned on themselves over the issue of propriety at CPAC. At the same event in which this high-minded little.
...Mr. Rick Santorum, for his assertions that women are just too hysterical to serve combat roles. Someone should ask Santorum why he hates the IDF... ...and, actually, as his "clarification".
I'm a huge fan of the Roots and think Michele Bachmann is a malignant political figure, but Jessica Grose is right. However subtle, calling a Republican politician a "bitch" isn't.
Dr. Pepper introduces a harebrained ad campaign that seems designed to go beyond the mere garden-variety misogyny so often presented by America's marketing community and go somewhere really special: This.
It's rather disgusting but not really surprising that Newt's former staffers are lashing out at his wife -- the reflexive misogyny is to be expected, and I guess you have.
Ann's reply to the Times' "all the young male bloggers" piece is indeed priceless.
Shorter Scott Walker water carrier David Prosser: "That bitch had it coming." Verbatim David Prosser: "I probably overreacted, but I think it was entirely warranted." Hopefully Wisconin's voters will get.