My usual response over turmoil at major media outlets is to make fun of the media spending a day on its favorite theme: talking about itself. And I really don't.
Worth remembering 10 years later how the wardrobe incident at the Super Bowl halftime show effectively ended Janet Jackson's career with zero repercussions for Justin Timberlake.
As a white male, being attacked by the hate-spewing mouthbreathers of the internet gun lobby was horrible. Were I a black woman like Zerlina Maxwell who rejected the ludicrous notion.
Leave it to a congressman from the ex-Confederacy, where the white rape of black women has a long and sordid history, to hold up the Violence Against Women Act in.
To build slightly on Scott's post, let me recommend Lindsay Beyerstein's excellent piece today decrying those who use Jenny McCarthy's nude modeling as a reason to dismiss her crazy anti-vaccine.
Wow. H/t Amanda Marcotte
I was lucky enough to chair a panel at WPSA where Rebecca Gill presented the latest iteration of her research into how the judicial merit evaluations done under ABA guidelines.
As someone who is marginally obsessive about reading the New York Times obituaries, and not only to track my Death List, I found this discussion of sexism within the NYT.