![You May Not Be Surprised That….. img](http://lawyersgunsmon.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/gyasi.jpg)
![You May Not Be Surprised That….. img](http://lawyersgunsmon.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/gyasi.jpg)
As nearly every faculty member knows, student evaluations are a horrible way to measure teaching. That's for many reasons. Students are primarily evaluating teachers on what grade they think they.
Even when female athletes become national heroes, as which happened with the U.S. soccer team, they receive second-class citizenship compared to male athletes. This isn't just in pay or television.
Sigh: In the Women’s World Cup, the USA soccer team took the championship against Japan on Sunday—just not with their pocketbooks. In fact, they are being paid 40 times less.
It looks like Maggie Gyllenhaal has had her Last Fuckable Day at the ripe old age of 37:* Maggie Gyllenhaal, an Oscar nominee getting Emmy buzz for her work on.
Bjork speaks of sexism in music: Pitchfork: When it was originally misreported that Vulnicura was produced by Arca, instead of co-produced by you and Arca, it reminded me of the.
Why do women get paid less for the same work? Many reasons, but among them for women in the professional class seems to be that with the pressure on salaried.
Sexual harassment of female workers in construction is so endemic that most who enter the field quit. It is a problem that nobody takes even close to seriously enough, including.