sex work
Simon Marks has a long expose demonstrating that Cambodian anti-sex trafficking activist Somaly Mam lied about her own life story and trained children to make up stories about their supposed.
Melissa Gira Grant's new book is causing all sorts of discomfort among liberals who are just flat not comfortable with thinking of sex work as labor. Katha Pollitt's latest piece.
Have you ever wanted to see a detailed brothel menu from 1912, with extremely graphic detail about the services provided? Well, here's your chance. This might be the most amazing.
Melissa Gira Grant provides an excellent overview of the history of sex work in the United States before about 1920. Highly recommended read.
Given the day's rather bizarre turn here, it seems like a good enough time to remind all of you with Netflix account that Traffic in Souls, the ridiculous 1913 film.
Laura Augustín has an interesting piece at The Naked Anthropologist critiquing men like Nick Kristof who go around the world playing the role of the good white man saving brown.
Kerry Howley responds to my post on feminist-libertarian arguments for legalizing prostitution. Given Amanda's (also quoted by Ann) take, she has a fair point in noting that my isolated quote.
Matt links to without fully endorsing Kerry Howley's feminist-libertarian argument for legalizing prostitution. I'm inclined to agree with her bottom line, but I do find the argument in this form.