It's not as if there are a lot of good arguments for war against Iran, but Broder has constructed what has to be the worst. Duss does the necessary demolition work. Prepping for war against Iran in order to improve the economy is not unlike...
selective high broderism
Paul and I have compiled some examples of conservative academics arguing that Obama needs to be sent to Sally Quinn Reeducation Camp or something for disagreeing with an innovative constitutional.
Shorter Bobo: passing a health care bill that might only have been able to get a 59-41 supermajority in the Senate would be "political suicide." Going into the midterms having.
Shorter Stuart Taylor: It is well-established that criminal laws can only be applied if it can be proven that lawbreaking had no positive consequence whatsoever.* By far the most reliable guide to whether such consequences exist is the highly reliable unsubstantiated assertions of the lawbreakers...
One thing to add to Dahlia Lithwick's superb defense of Harold Koh is a comparison with the Bork nomination, allegedly the Most Uncivil Moment in American History (at least before.