And there'll be dinosaurs. Full conference here. Tragically, the wife has forbidden me to take the girls to the Creation Museum or the new Creation theme park between the ages of two and sixteen, so I'll just have to wait...
If you're not quite ready to punch the next committed vaccination skeptic you meet, this article will help you across the threshold. For your daily allowance of well-rewarded misanthropy, a.
In my darker moments at the end of the semester, I sometimes find myself complaining to no one in particular that kids these days lack basic research skills and that.
So a group of Swiss biologists and philosophers produce a report suggesting that humans perhaps shouldn't arbitrarily destroy plants. While the report was commissioned by the Swiss government, and though it attempts to flesh out certain concepts -- like "dignity" and "living beings" -- that...
Today, from the deck of my own home, I offer irrefutable anecdotal data to undermine the theory of anthropogenic climate change:This sort of thing is unusual around here, even for.
It's been nothing short of infuriating to watch Alaska's resistance (sub.) to the possible (though unlikely) listing of polar bears as a "threatened" species. The state has exactly zero polar.