Sarah Palin
Not at all surprising, but damn: “When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.” Divine intervention prevents us from enjoying the hilarity that a.
Sarah Palin: "I’m through whining about a liberal press...[proceeds to whine about liberal press]." Sure. In related news, since the Mets seem to be going with Brad Eamus at 2B.
The GOP primary season is shaping up as a reality TV freak show of Springeresque proportions, what with Michele Bachmann about to toss her tinfoil hat in the ring, Donald.
Some amusing nastiness from James Wolcott, on the development of the next hit reality TV show, tentatively entitled Reality. Like soul brother Beck, Sarah Palin has moonshot herself into a.
I basically agree with Melissa about the most recent Vanity Fair profile of Sarah Palin, which is almost as devoid of content as the last one. If you were.
Shorter Verbatim Sarah Palin: "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair")." When I said that when a winger talk show host.
Sarah to Rand: When you say something stupid, horrible, and indefensible in public, always blame the questioner. It never fails; the morons just lap up the "liberal-media-coastal-elite-hate-America-bias" bullshit. Try it.
Were that this was true: Add Mike Huckabee to the list of Republicans criticizing the Arizona law. As I keep saying, Huckabee is dangerous; he’s very conservative and not very.