...and a bit more at the new Russian Navy Blog. It's not an official Russian Navy blog, but rather is run by an enthusiast who pays a lot of attention.
The Chinese appear to be stealing an effective and marketable Russian weapon design; the Russian response is to threaten a lawsuit:Russia is getting more and more upset at what it.
This backs up something I heard at the recent International Studies Association meeting:A statement from the Russian foreign ministry said that "a bridgehead is being prepared for the start of.
A couple of aircraft carrier related links for your afternoon...Via Danger Room, Martin Sieff has a new series at UPI on the vulnerability of carriers to submarine attack. Galrahn has.
This was quick; maybe rumors about Kitty Hawk were being deployed strategically?India and Russia have ended a protracted dispute over the cost of a Soviet-era aircraft carrier which will be.
Last August I wrote:It's unclear whether the Indians will keep Viraat around for another three years or accept a carrier deployment gap. It's kind of interesting to me that, in.
The Russians seem desperate for attention. Alex:Russian air force out again, in some strength; and exercising a whole range of types, including the White Swan...sorry...Tu-160 BLACKJACK, BEAR, BACKFIRE, and MiG31.
The Romanovs seem to have emerged, along with a number of other important Russian families, from a minor 14th century noble named Andrei Kobyla. The Romanov branch of this large.