rush limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh made his final broadcast yesterday, ending his 32 year career. How would you describe his legacy? — Ron Filipkowski (@RonGOPVet4Biden) December 24, 2020
No one really knows what Donald Trump will say about immigration these days? It shifts by the hour. A campaign based around hate of Mexicans from a candidate who really.
I don't need to read any of these children's books to know Rush Limbaugh deserves the Children's Choice Book Award for his no doubt outstanding magnum opus, "Rush Revere and The Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans." I think you know you need to...
Oh man, this is great. Remember back, a long long time ago. There was a man. He was me. And he said he wanted Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick.
As Hendrick Hertzberg points out, for people like Althouse the only significant form of racism left in America appears to be the racism of liberals who patronize black people (by.
Via Yglesias, Rush makes a more or less sensible argument about arming merchant vessels:Now, a lot of people ask, “Rush, how come these ships aren’t armed?” Everybody says just give some machine guns to the crew when you see the pirates showing up, wipe ‘em...