ron paul
I haven't glanced at CNN for months, but at the gym today I clicked over to CNN to see what they were saying about Stevens and the upcoming Supreme Court.
Every now and then folks like to pretend that the Rand/Ron Paul wing of the Republican Party is somehow less loathsome or dangerous than the Mitt Romney wing. This, of.
If nothing else, Rand Paul's quest for the Senate seat once held by Henry Clay will go down as one of the most entertaining campaigns in American history:Thank you Jonathan..
The 2010 Republican Senate primary may end up being the most entertaining race in the country. Last week, Republicans supporting Secretary of State Trey Grayson leaked word that Jim Bunning.
JMM and Digby are correct: it's outrageous that Ron Paul is being excluded from the Fox News debates (and apparently by Fox; the state GOP wants him included.) No, I.
Shorter Verbatim Ron Paul: "Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the "criminal justice system," I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that.
Ramesh Ponnuru objects to my post about Ron Paul and abortion, but fails to address most of the points. To respond to each of his arguments in turn:Ponnuru calls my.
Ramesh Ponnuru makes an interesting point about Ron Paul: "What strikes me is what a throwback Paul is among libertarians. Hard money and anti-interventionism move him, but he seems utterly.