Roe v. Wade
So said a Southern Baptist Convention newspaper on January 31, 1973, soon after Roe v. Wade was decided. Question: What is the Southern Baptist position on abortion? Answer: There is.
Kay Steiger has an excellent article about how vulnerable Roe is under the current Supreme Court, which quotes yours truly. The bottom line for me remains that the argument that.
From the standpoint of a supporter of reproductive rights, Ann Bartow brings a pessimistic perspective while Neal Devins is more optimistic. I have agreements and problems with both arguments.I do disagree with Bartow that the five votes to overturn Roe "are already there." In particular,...
The choice quote (pun intended) from today's NY Times essay by a doctor who provided post-abortion complication treatment before Roe v. Wade:What Roe said was that ending a pregnancy could.
In a hilarious way:I decided to go up to the young female students who were passing out their "genocide leaflets" to the students walking by and chat.I asked each one.