roberts court
I have an article up at the Prospect about the worst Supreme Court decision you probably didn't hear about this term. Well, actually, I should clarify that according to what.
Jeff Rosen makes some good points in his piece about the divisions within the Supreme Court's conservative bloc. But I think he misses an important one: the way in which.
More on Connick v. Thompson. I would excerpt, except that it might provide a disincentive to Read the Whole Thing. I'm glad that Lithwick highlights the remarkable Scalia concurrence, which.
I have an article up at the Prospect about the most recent Roberts Court excrescence, which adds some further context. I remain deeply unpersuaded by the majority's reasoning that 5.
Shorter Arlen Specter: "I sat on the Judiciary Committee table throughout the second Bush administration, and I still haven't spotted the sucker."
Liptak has an interesting piece on opinion-writing on the Roberts Court, and in particular the debate within the Court about whether they should be using the relatively tiny number of.