Above: Terrible human being Michelle Rhee. California teachers' unions are under a new assault by teachers suing over unions using dues for political campaigns. Members can withdraw but they don't.
Since she lacks a credible primary challenger, it might be awhile before we know whether Hillary Clinton is as in the pocket of the wealthy education privatizers and Rheeists as.
Talked about this last week, but Arkansas electing Tom Cotton is going to be horrible. So I don't blame liberals and unions going all in for Mark Pryor, bleh as.
Turning schools into profit-making enterprises has been a disaster, not only in the U.S., but also in Sweden. Applying Taylorism to schools makes perfect sense to the high modernist education.
Obama's Rheeist agenda on education again rears its privatizing head: One of the nation’s leaders of the privatization movement, Ted Mitchell, has been confirmed by the. u.S. Senate as Undersecretary.
The more parents who opt out of making their children go through the pointless and educationally destructive Common Core standardized testing that is the fad of Rheeist politicians of both.
Andrew Delbanco has a largely excellent review of the new books by Diane Ravitch and Michelle Rhee in the latest New York Review of Books. Essentially, the two come across.
Just in case anyone wasn't aware that Teach for America is a tool of the capitalists, the organization has teamed up with Goldman Sachs to funnel TFA members into a.