Florida House candidate Joshua Black calls for hanging of President Obama. That's not hyperbole, that's the headline from an article in yesterday's Tampa Bay Times. The pearls of wisdom include such hits as "I'm past impeachment," Joshua Black wrote on Twitter. "It's time to arrest and...
republican bigotry
I'm thinking Don Young, R-AK, has it in the bag. At least he meant no disrespect. How do you compete with that if it's only Tuesday? For your B-side, on.
Interesting article on India, Indian-Americans, and the GOP: Take a close look at the draft platform that Politico discovered on the Republican National Committee's website on Friday, and you'll see.
Shorter Duncan Hunter: I believe that the 14th Amendment should be ignored while we're on the process of trying to "overrule" it by statute. I wonder which Republican member of Congress will be the first one to call for a constitutional amendment reinstating Dred Scott...
...So English should be the "official language" of Germany now too? Here's Patrick Ruffini on Obama's German flyers (for an event IN GERMANY):This is pretty extraordinary. A candidate for the.
Gay-bashing with some regional ressentiment; the only tactic that state GOPs have left. Pat Boone was a nice touch, though, especially when you're trying to convince people that it would.