
For the latest LGM podcast, we talked to James Morton Turner, Professor of Environmental Studies at Wellesley, about his new book Charged: A History of Batteries and Lessons for a.
A woman scours through a pile of waste on the side of a road in Bac Ninh, east of Hanoi on December 16, 2019. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP).
Recycling is completely, irrevocably broken, like the planet's ecosystems. See Baltimore County, Maryland (which is not the city, but the suburbs): Baltimore County officials revealed this week that the county.
Recycling is simply broken. This story of what happens to workers "recycling" computers shipped to Thailand is telling of the many problems with the system. Crouched on the ground in.
Tonight, I put out my trash and my recycling. What will happen to it tomorrow morning when the workers come pick it up? Almost no one thinks about this. Especially.
Last week, when I reviewed Sven Beckert's Empire of Cotton, one of the key points I hoped I made was how Beckert connects the exploitation of cotton upon the peoples.
As I've said before, the recycling business can be pretty nasty. We say something is "recycled," which really means "I think I did something good and now I don't have.